BGS Webinars
BGS Webinars is a series of free-to-attend webinars covering a wide range of topics relevant to the O&G and healthcare segments.
Say no to long, boring presentations! Our unique format is focused on expert presenters and high interactivity, allowing for in-depth discussion of trending topics live.
Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co KG
Key points:
- The challenges during shutdowns and maintenance work
- The requirements in the oil and gas industry for more profitability
- The three cornerstones of the complete Layher solution

Yokogawa RAP
Key topics:
- What are the biggest challenges high hazard companies are facing in this changing world?
- Engendering a safety culture. What are the important steps in getting there?
- Improvements in CoW coming from in the next few years

Linde & Cepsa
Key points:
- How the Oil & Gas companies may approach Decarbonization Pathway?
- Which are the main levers to achieve The Oil and Gas Decarbonization?
- Is CCUS a decarbonization lever for the future?
- How to couple and link investments in the industry between renewables and LNG?
- What changes have to be implemented?
- Role of Green and Blue hydrogen

Key topics:
- Why should we use LNG as a road fuel
- LNG for Transport in Greece - main challenges and overcoming them
- SEE Link - what to know about this project?
- The future of LNG to 2050 and beyond

Siemens Healthineers
Key topics:
- What factors drive digital transformation within the industry?
- What role do digital health platforms play in digital transformation?
- How can digital health platforms help to leverage Big Data?
- Use cases

Novartis & Merck
Key topics:
- Supply chain product compliance: key regulatory challenges which impact the supply chain
- How AI can help supply chain management & technical production
- Blockchain technology for reducing counterfeit pharmaceutical products and for other use cases
- A plan for an effective data governance structure to enable Data Science, Analytics and AI

European Commission & E-Control Austria
Key topics:
- Green Hydrogen for European Climate goal
- European Hydrogen strategy
- Gas quality of the future
- Potential use of hydrogen infrastructure

Key topics:
- Implementation of the digital strategy in healthcare today - trends and recent developments
- What are the standards to be used for successful pharma 4.0. implementation?
- Strategies to implement successful serialization program
- Digitalization in Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals: impact and plans for the future

Key topics:
- Digital twin: its subject matter, creation and the role in digital transformation
- Usage of the digital twin. How organizations see its application changing in the future
- Connected Worker and Situational Awareness, and how do they support the workforce in practice

Key topics:
- Self-Optimizing Plant: self-learning, self-adapting and self-sustaining processes working together
- How to achieve sustainable operational excellence
- How to maintain safe, efficient, flexible, reliable and sustainable operations

Key topics:
- Impact of modern technologies and tools in a challenging scenario of COVID-19 second wave
- Remote leadership in a time of social distancing
- Human relationships: issues of trust, loneliness and remote cooperation

Key topics:
- Decarbonization at the heart of the energy transition strategy
- Low carbon technology deployment: Carbon Capture
- Hydrogen (Grey, Blue, and Green): Transportation and Energy Storage
Bringing a global citizen mindset to an uncertain energy future

Key topics:
- Petrochemical integration in the downstream sector
- Improve residue upgrading capacity
- IMO 2020 as an opportunity
- Resilience actions to face COVID-19 crisis

Key topics:
- Complex capital projects execution challenges: projects to be on time, not overbudget, high productive and value-added
- COVID-19 drives digital transformation. Change management as necessary reaction
- Digital tools to lower both CAPEX and execution risk of integrated projects
- The Digital Twin and creation of a single version of the truth as essential part of projects delivery in the 21st century

Key topics:
- 2020 state of affairs on Oil market in Greece
- The impact of the coronavirus crisis on Greek Oil industry
- Future challenges that Greek companies have to surmount
- Views of ELINOIL on Oil industry perspectives in Greece

Key topics:
- The crisis impact on the O&G industry
- Efficient project development and execution in times of lockdown
- Use of new communications tools for both internal and external dialog
- Project Progression – new ways of working on existing projects
- Remote Unit Performance Monitoring

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